
Tuesday 9 January 2018

Your future self.

When i finish school i would like to be in the air force.
If i made it into the air force i would like to be a medical officer, the future i'm looking at i will not had to study at university.But if my mind was to change i will go to north tec to study beauty therapist.

   Image result for north tec  Image result for rnzaf


  1. Kia Ora Jazzinda,

    What an awesome career that you are looking at! My best friend is training to be a medic for the Navy currently and absolutely loves it. She is based in Christchurch and gets paid to study which is pretty awesome. What makes you want to be a medical officer? I can't handle even the thought of blood so it's definitely not a career for me!

    Keep up the awesome blog posts and I look forward to reading more very soon.

    Nga mihi

    1. thank you why i want to be a medical officer because i like to help people out when they are injured and sick

  2. Kia Ora Jazzinda,

    It’s awesome that you have a few ideas about what you would do when you are older. I remember when I was at Okaihau College, we had a Careers Fair and a lot of businesses came and talked to us and one of the was the Air Force. Have you had the Air Force, visit Northland College at all? I have had a few friends go onto the Air Force and they have all really enjoyed it, and if they went to university the Air Force paid for it!

    Keep up the great work :)

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  3. thank you for your feed back
